Monday 19 September 2011

How to make a Bad Presentation

So the riveting topic for this weeks blog is (drumroll please): What makes a good presentation. Who comes up with this stuff anyways? Well since I took ALES 204(a whole class on communication) in which we exhausted this topic ( and because it will simply be more fun) I will look into how to make a bad presentation instead.
     Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, there is alot out there on how to make bad presentations. One prof at Berkely (Prof.David Patter) even came up with a list of commandments to be followed to ensure a bad presentation. They are as follows:
  1. Thou shalt not be neat -Why waste research time preparing slides? Ignore spelling, grammar and legibility. Who cares what 50 people think?
  2. Thou shalt not waste space -Transparencies are expensive. If you can save five slides in each of four talks per year, you save $7.00/year!
  3. Thou shalt not covet brevity -Do you want to continue the stereotype that engineers can't write? Always use complete sentences, never just key words. If possible, use whole paragraphs and read every word.
  4. Thou shalt cover thy naked slides -You need the suspense! Overlays are too flashy.
  5. Thou shalt not write large -Be humble -- use a small font. Important people sit in front. Who cares about the riff-raff?
  6. Thou shalt not use color -Flagrant use of color indicates uncareful research. It's also unfair to emphasize some words over others.
  7. Thou shalt not illustrate -Confucius says ``A picture = 10K words,'' but Dijkstra says ``Pictures are for weak minds.'' Who are you going to believe? Wisdom from the ages or the person who first counted goto's?
  8. Thou shalt not make eye contact -You should avert eyes to show respect. Blocking screen can also add mystery.
  9. Thou shalt not skip slides in a long talk -You prepared the slides; people came for your whole talk; so just talk faster. Skip your summary and conclusions if necessary.
  10. Thou shalt not practice -Why waste research time practicing a talk? It could take several hours out of your two years of research. How can you appear spontaneous if you practice? If you do practice, argue with any suggestions you get and make sure your talk is longer than the time you have to present it.
     This just goes to show that it is not just good presentations that take a lot of skill to pull off, bad presentations require skill too. The guy in this YouTube video(  seems to have distilled bad presentations down to an art form. I loved this video as it is fun after taking a communications class (not that you need one to be able to see what he is doing wrong) to pick out all the things he is doing wrong in a presentation. Go ahead an try it yourself! Besides it can be very informative-and entertaining!- to learn from others mistakes.

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