Monday 26 September 2011

Turning Good Ideas into Good Projects

This is most definitely the hardest blog entry to try and write to date. Not only do I have no ideas of my own, Google has also failed me with few useful results on the topic. So what to write about this topic?
Alright so if I was going to start a project the process I might roughly follow would look something like this:

Project idea -      Objectives -      Identify Problems-      Develop a method-    Carry out activities-      Results
I also think that for a project to be successful the idea needs to address real problems that are facing our communities today, otherwise what is the point of going any further with the idea. Also I think that you need to be realistic with what your objectives are for the project(ie. what are you really going to do and what are you realistically going to get out of this project). I also think that you need to be able to look further down the road, into the future if you will, and consider if what you are proposing will be able to be sustained. Oh, and budget. How could I have forgotten that. I think realistically that this is a HUGE factor in determining if your idea makes it through to the project stage. Your idea could be the best in the world and solve an important problem, blah, blah, blah. However if it will cost a small fortune to get it up and running, you may be finished before you even begin(I know, I hate clichés too, so this will be the only one I promise). After all money doesn’t grow on trees (Okay I lied and technically money does grow on trees).
My question for this topic would be: How do you figure out if your idea will be sustainable in the future?

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